多兰泽维尔导演首部英语片很喜欢看起来多了些娴熟的“商业”少了些恣意的“文艺”但是依然非常优秀双线叙事又相互勾连功成名就的好莱坞明星和刚进演艺圈的儿童演员一开头Adele的Rollin in the Deep就可以看出多兰对美国流行文化的运用演员也都是大热剧集的演员不少片段让人潸然泪下床戏的灯光用危险的红后来一路偏暖再回归冷色调最后如泡沫一般碎裂也带来了哀伤的余韵评分:8.5/10
Why choose to be good everyday? If there is no guaranteed reward we can count on, now or in the after life. I argued that we choose to be good, because of our bonds with other people, and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put, we are not in this alone.